Sunday, 19 June 2011

fathers day 2011

I have had the worst Fathers day of my life :-(
I have spent the day surrounded by family but to say goodbye to my Grandad.
He had a massive brain bleed this morning and is unconscious and un-aware of everything. He is still breathing on his own and his heart is beating. The doctors have told us he wont recover and its just a matter of time before he stops breathing and his heart fails.
Seeing the man, my Grandad who taught me to ride my first bike lying in that hospital bed like that was heart breaking but I was glad to be there to tell him that I love him, hold his hand and say goodbye.
I love you Grandad, thank you for being my grandaddy, I will miss you until we see each other again.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Deb, I had no idea until now. {{hugs}}

Vicki Xx

Ronny said...

i feel sorry for you that it will have gone so far but that is the real life.
but can you watch my blog and comment and say what i can do better?

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